Monday, November 26, 2007

Kid on the way...

Well, we're going to what should be our last doctor visit today before the baby is born. We're for sure having him next week, possibly this week. Last week we went to the docs on Wednesday and due to some test results we ended up spending Thanksgiving at home eating frozen dinners (you know, the kind that you have to cut a slit in the plastic when you cook it). Thankfully our parents brought us leftovers so we still got our Thanksgiving fix.

But hey, the baby and wife are healthy and that's all that matters. It really helped me understand Thanksgiving this year. I was pretty upset at first about missing all the family fun and food that we usually partake in but then I realized what I'm truly thankful for, my family. And I mean MY family equaling my wife and soon to be son. Not that I'm knocking our parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.... But I have my family now and I got to spend Thanksgiving with them and I couldn't have asked for a better holiday.

But back to the baby, hopefully he'll decide to keep cooking for another week but who knows, I just might become a dad today (wow that was weird seeing it typed out like that). I have a feeling this blog will become the Jackson Cole show once he's born, but who cares that's what blogs are for right?